Desamparo, clínica e política: prática psicanalítica com adolescentes em acolhimento institucional


  • Beatriz Moscon
  • Clara Chamusca UFBA
  • Ynaê Moreira UFBA
  • Lis Dias UFBA
  • Laís Flores ufba
  • Suely Aires UFBA


This experience report aims to describe a psychoanalytic practice of psychology students with adolescents in sheltering. It is linked to the project “Adolescence, Sheltering and Clinic of Helplessness” attached, since 2018, to a Psychology Institute, in partnership with the school clinic of psychology of a federal university and a municipal organ of the city hall that manages the local shelters. At first, the project is briefly presented, along with its history and operations, explaining the sheltering system. After that, we present the concept of adolescence not as a universal phase of human development, but as a subjective and logical time, differently in each individual case and in relation with social determination. Through the practice with these adolescents, the concepts of helplessness, trauma, actions and wandering became fundamental and they are approached in articulation with the potential and challenges of this practice. The majority of adolescents in this project are in a situation of vulnerability and that confers to this clinic many particularities, making it different from what we call a classical clinic practice. In face of histories with many ruptures and violence, being able to talk of their own experiences can be difficult and, in some cases, the writing appeared as a possible clinical and therapeutic resources. The constant dialogue with the care institution is another particularity of this practice, that implies in a specific management of the work. In the end, we emphasize the inseparability between the clinical practice and the political reflection, and how important this talking space can be to these adolescents. In addition, we discuss the anguish that rises up in the students that are involved with this practice.

Keywords: Psychoanalysis. Adolescence. Helplessness. clinical practice. Politic.


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How to Cite

Moscon, B., Chamusca, C., Moreira, Y., Dias, L., Flores, L., & Aires, S. (2023). Desamparo, clínica e política: prática psicanalítica com adolescentes em acolhimento institucional. Analytica: Revista De Psicanálise, 12(22). Retrieved from