Confluences between destruction and becoming: (re)merging in the semiotic sea of Sabina Spielrein
This research proposes an interdisciplinary approach, exploring Sabina Spielrein’s theory (1885-1942) presented in “Destruction as the Cause of Coming Into Being” (1912), Sylvia Plath’s prose (1932-1963) and the Emily Dickinson’s verses (1830-1886). It focuses on the distinctive feminine mark that permeates those works, considered in the light of the concepts of destruction and coming into being proposed by Sabina Spielrein, besides, it was incorporated Roland Barthes’ Biographenes (1915-1980) as a tool to talk about those lives, deepening the comprehension of the personal narratives in the works and in our meeting with them. This biographical approach enlarges the interpretation of the individual experiences of the authors, with fictional elements. Our article tries to bring the confluences between Spielrein’s psychoanalysis, Plath’s literary expression and Dickinson’s poetry, highlighting how these authors address the destruction as a catalyst to evolution and creation. In brief, the emphasis is the importance of a critical reading that transcends the disciplinary boundaries, revealing the intersection between Psychoanalysis, literature and feminine poetry, as women’s productions.