About the Journal
Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais (Psychosocial Researches and Practices) is an electronic publication of open access on the internet, maintained by the Laboratory for Research and Psychosocial Intervention and the Masters Program in Psychology at the Federal University of São João del-Rei (LAPIP / PPGPSI / UFSJ), Minas Gerais. It has concept B2 on QUALISCapes review, released in 2013. Its mission is to publish original articles on social psychology and related fields. The journal is published biannually. Contributions may be sent in the following categories: research reports, studies / theoretical essay, report of practices, critical literature review, brief communications, letters, book reviews, news about the field of study, debates, interviews and authorized translations.The rules are in this site: http://www.seer.ufsj.edu.br/index.php/revista_ppp/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions
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